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Posts tagged ‘junk food’

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another sloppy, unedited installment of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…


I spent so much time planning stuff to do outside during the church get together and then it rained most of the time – ugh. However, a good time was had by all I think. The kids played together nicely, the guys hung out under the pop up and the moms talked and supervised. Now I need to figure out what to do with the leftovers.

I dyed my hair pink to coordinate with my costume and I got quite a few compliments from the trick or treaters last night. I’m keeping it in for a bit because it makes me happy to see it when I look in the mirror.

Finally went to see the doctor and will be trying a metabolic detoxification program for ten days. I really want to get my diet under control. I’ve been eating way too much junk and sweets lately. We’ll see how it goes. Of course I’m waiting until after the girl’s birthday which should also allow me to get my fill of the Halloween wealth.

Looks like we will have some sunny days this week so I’ll have a few more chances to try to finish up some more garden tasks. It’s a never ending job but  every little bit of time and effort helps to get it closer to my ideal.

Fitness Friday

UGH!  My weight is up even more – now I need to lose 9.2 lbs. Almost as much as when I started this journey last January.

step average for the week  14,317  Need to bump this up if I am going to reach 5 million this year.

Too much birthday cake and junk food combined with too  little exercise and a lot of sitting in front of the computer. I haven’t been walking with my friends – one has been sick and the other is back and forth helping out with her daughter who has breast cancer. Without them to spur me on, my walks have gotten very short and that has to change.

I can’t depend on friends or great weather or any motivational technique – I just need to get out there and start doing something everyday. Commit to a time and then do something – walk, yoga, jump rope, ride a bike, ab work, calisthenics anything! More movement is what I need.

Of course part of the problem has been another bout of the ever recurring depression I suffer from/with. Not sure what has started off this time but I am back in the struggle. I seem to be always hungry, I’m sleeping too much and I havelittle to no energy or desire to do anything. I know what I need to do but it just seems like too much work. Maybe I need to see about changing my medication or talking to someone, but it is so hard for me to take those steps. I’ve been down this road before and feel like I should be able to snap out of it without help but  that isn’t happening.

The weekend will see me getting off to a good start with a plan for daily exercise.  On Saturday I’m taking DD and a few friends to the mall. They are going to look for dresses for the 8th grade dance and I am going to walk around the mall while I wait for them. Then on Sunday we are going to bike to the baseball game. Need to make a plan for Monday – will see if anyone can walk or do something else. Then just keep on doing a little something everyday.

What are you doing to keep yourself fit and healthy?

Fitness Friday

Just a short note today because this has been a rough week and I have not been focused on my goals.

My weight has stayed the same which is surprising, since I have been eating horribly and not doing much in the way of exercise or walking. Although I did make my first milestone – I have walked over  1 million steps!!

Not sure when I’ll be able to post again. The kiddos are off school for a week and that always messes with my schedule.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Fitness Friday

I managed to lose 0.2 pounds this week.  Last week I managed to average over 12,000 steps a day. It looks like this week I could make it to 15,000 a day. I do so much better when I have someone with me to help keep me going.

Still struggling to do the exercises.  I have been walking and doing some work in the yard. Also did a bit of jump roping – I am still sadly out ot shape- couldn’t manage it for more than a minute at a time.

I was much better with my eating habits this week. It helps to keep the junk foood out of the house and to stay out of the store!

Hope you are having a great week. Do something fun this weekend – I’m going to a quilt auction on Sunday.

Fitness Friday

I do not know why I keep sabotaging myself. I’m trying to lose weight but I eat a pint of ice cream  or a package of frozen cookie dough in a day. I know that I shouldn’t but I do it anyway. What is up with that??

I’ve been trying to work with DD about some bad habits she has developed. I told her everytime she takes food into her room and eats it she is making a choice that she knows is wrong. Then it occurs to me that I am doing the very same thing.

Everytime I choose to eat something that is not good for me, I am choosing to gain more weight.  Everytime I choose to read another blog, surf the weird news or play a game; I am choosing not to exercise and tone my body.

I really need to start asking myself  “Do I really want to eat ______or do I want to lose weight?” before I put something in my mouth. I need to choose to limit my computer time and do more active things. Nothing will change unless I do.

It is time for me to make some moves in the right direction for a change. Hope you are making good choices in your daily activities.

Have a great weekend.

Tidbit Tuesday

Lots of things floating around in my head today. Here are just a few…

I had such a good time at the retreat – I read several books, did some knitting and worked on how to achieve my goals.

Unfortunately I ate too much and did not move enough – need to get back on track.

Really need to get the Christmas stuff packed away.

End of year investment statements are coming in – time to see what the balance is.

Wish the weather would make up its mind – record highs and then snow followed by more record highs and more snow. I don’t like the extreme changes.

I’ve got chicken soup in the crockpot and it smells so good – can’t wait for dinner.

Wondering how everyone is doing with their 3 tasks. I’m almost done with my for the week. Be back Thursday with my report.

Fitness Friday

No movement on the scale this week. I thought there would be a gain because of all the junk food I’ve been eating. My pants are feeling a bit tight but there isn’t any weight gain.

My first week of step counting went well. I had over 80,000 steps. However, this week isn’t looking as good. I need to do some walking today and tomorrow to even get close to 70,000 for this week. We’ll see how it goes.

Now that most of the party leftovers are gone, I hope to get back to eating better. I have no will power – if the junk food is here, I will eat it. Hopefully I will get better with portion size if I can’t just avoid it altogether.

I’m off to camp for a weekend retreat. I am really looking forward to it. Hope everyone has a great weekend.