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Archive for the ‘one word 2016’ Category

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another unedited, sloppy installment of the random thoughts running around in my head today…

Another holiday come and gone. We had two thanksgiving dinners this year – one with the in-laws and one with the girl.  The boy made a pumpkin pie but it fell on its way out of the oven. What a mess but it will be  a good memory in the years to come.

Nice visit with the girl – no arguments or heated discussions. Still haven’t managed to meet the boyfriend – hopefully it will happen some time soon.

Finally convinced the hubby that it was time to retire his artificial Christmas tree. We got a new one from Target and put it up the day after Thanksgiving. The boy decorated it and now we are just waiting to see how Marco will react to it. I need to get the other decorations out, check and see what is in need of repairs or is no longer something I want to have, and then put them out.

Starting to look ahead to next year – thinking about what I might want to achieve. Lots of ideas – need to really consider what is most important and choose just a few to really focus on and commit to making progress.

Progress – that was supposed to be my word of the year for 2016. I didn’t do very well with that. I started out strong but quickly faltered and then it just faded away. I stopped keeping track and gradually it just became “out of sight, out of mind.” I need to develop a better system to keep my goals in front of me.

That’s it for today – I’ll be back later in the week with another declutter update. Until then, have a great day wherever you are.


Tidbit Tuesday

Just another sloppy/unedited edition of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

Another sunshine filled day although it is supposed to get cold again. I’m headed out later to enjoy the sun and warmth before that happens.

It is very hard to type when the cat is trying to help. Marco likes attention and he makes sure you give it to him. He is getting a bit better at getting off the counter when I tell him to which is an improvement – before I would have to chase him and put him down but now he is jumping down when he hears me yell.

Just noticed that Matthew left his flash drive plugged into the computer – that will make it hard for him to work on his project in school today. We need to get better at making sure that he puts it in his backpack when he finishes working.

March 1st – a new month – time to check my progress and set some new goals.

  1.  I did very well with my step goal of 8500steps/day – only missed it once and got my average for the year up to 9000/day. My goal for this month is 9500 steps/day.
  2.  I didn’t do as well with my sleeping at least 7 hours a night goal. I only made that 19 out of 29 days. I need to do a better job of getting to bed before ten pm from Sunday through Thursday. I can sleep a little later on weekends but during the work week I have to be up at 5:40am. Need to work on wrapping up my evening activities earlier which means I need to stop reading in the tub. I always say I’ll just read one chapter but that usually turns into two or three.
  3. I started off doing well with the cleaning but have slacked off lately. It should get back on track as I prepare for the Progressive Dinner  for members of our church. We are the first stop and I’m trying to get things ready for company.  One other benefit of the dinner is that it lit a fire under hubby who cleared out massive amounts of stuff that had been stored in our upstairs. Since we are still in the process of renovating the house, the upstairs has been the storage space for all the stuff we’re not sure what we want to do with as well as the hubby’s personal “I might need/want this some day” space.
  4. I did not get new bras – there were two lingerie stores that I had hoped to visit but they both went out of business.  I’m not really the Victoria’s Secret type of shopper. I’m not looking for “pretty” or “sexy” and I don’t like underwire at all. I just want something that will hold the girls up and not cost a fortune. However, it has been a long time and I really think I should get a proper fitting so I get the right size. Anyone have any recommendations for me?? Please leave a comment if you do. Thanks
  5. I did order new glasses. The exam was quick and easy and I went with a pair for reading and a pair for driving. Of course two days after I ordered them, I found the long lost pair of glasses at my husband’s shop. I was sure I had lost them at a church event and never even considered looking for them at the shop. Apparently my hubby thought a customer had left them and had them in a drawer. He was cleaning things out and put them on the bookshelf where I found them and thought they looked familiar. Oh well, now I’ll have a spare just in case anything happens to the new ones.

New goals for March will be

  1.  9500 steps/day
  2.  Be in bed by 10 pm Sunday through Thursday and no later than 11 pm Friday and Saturday
  3. Get house cleaned up for Progressive Dinner
  4. Get new bras
  5. Continue reading books from my shelf – trying to get through the 200+ that I have accumulated

What are your goals for March? Have you been working on a word for the year? Let me know in the comments. Until next time, have a wonderful day.


Tidbit Tuesday

Just another unedited/sloppy version of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

The weather forecasters say we are in for 3 – 5 inches of snow today and it has started coming down already. Puts me in the mood for some chicken soup. I’m going to try a new recipe because I want to use up some frozen spinach and canned beans that have been hanging around for awhile. Hopefully it will turn out okay.

Went to the boy’s school last night for a Mardi Gras celebration. It was an interesting evening. They provided dinner, drinks and King Cake which is really nice for the parents who are coming straight from work. There was face painting, mask making, tons of beads and coins and a band. The saxophone/bass player is a student at the school.  Not as many people as I had thought there might be which was nice. At his old school some of the events were so crowded that you couldn’t sit down and enjoy them.

I’m trying to memorize some lines for a skit I’m participating in. Our church puts on some kind of performance during Lent and I was asked to participate. I was led to believe it was a small part but I guess my version of small isn’t the same as the director’s. I need to come up with a costume as well.  It should be an interesting experience.

I did a good job of making progress last week and I’m hoping to keep it up again this week. I’ve made my step goal everyday but I’m not getting enough sleep. I’m getting to bed on time but waking up and having trouble getting back to sleep. I’ve started looking into getting glasses and I’ve been keeping the kitchen clean. Small steps done consistently will get me where I want to go.

After much input and discussion, we have chosen a color for the grout and hopefully the bathroom tile will get finished this week. Then it’s just getting glass for the shower stall made and installed, getting the shower fixtures set in, and  putting the toilet, tub and vanity in place and then the bathroom will be ready for use.  Well, it will be ready after we get the door stained and hung. Then it will be on to the bedroom closets, windows and doors. We might get into the master suite by this summer.

Until next time, I hope you  have a great day.

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another unedited/sloppy edition of the thoughts rolling around in my head today…

Had lunch with the girl and learned that she went ahead and got her GED. She is applying for some jobs and wanted to be able to say that she had a high school education. She is still considering getting the diploma but we don’t know if they will allow her to go just in the mornings. Have to wait and see what happens with that.

“My 2016 starts on February 1, this was just a trial period.”  Saw this or something similar on several facebook posts yesterday and I’ve adopted  it for myself.  January was a bit rough but I think I’ve got myself ready to commit to my one word for 2016 and get things moving. My word for this year is PROGRESS.  I am going to continue to work on last year’s completion list and also work on doing a better job of taking care of myself and my home.

Last year I would look at the list and become overwhelmed at the number of tasks and end up doing nothing. This year I am choosing two tasks to focus on and when they are completed I will add two more. Hopefully this will keep me from being overwhelmed and giving up. This month I am going to a)make a appointment to get my vision checked which means new glasses, and b) get new bras. Both of these tasks should have been done ages ago. I hate shopping – too many decisions and I’m cheap(am I the only one who thinks that bras are way too expensive?) but it’s time to bite the bullet and just get it done.

The second part of PROGRESS is to do a better job of taking care of myself and my home.  I have really fallen off the wagon(for those of you who have been reading for awhile this is familiar territory) when it comes to my self-care and I need to really commit to doing a better job. I’m not getting any younger and I need to work on making better choices with my diet, exercise, sleep habits and grooming. I can not keep making poor choices because the consequences are adding up. I’m  close to my heaviest weight again – a consequence of my foot problem and too much stress eating. I’m having some dental problems – too many sweets and not enough flossing. Add in dry skin, white patches/blotches on my skin, hair growing where I don’t want it, brittle nails and a general lack of energy and it’s time to start taking better care of myself. This month’s goal – getting at least 7 hours of sleep and 8500 steps a day.

The last area I’m going to focus on is taking care of my home. I’ve finally been released from my volunteer job(working at my husband’s business) and that should take away a lot of the stress I’ve had over the past decade. I didn’t work that many hours but I never knew when I might get a call asking about something which would distract me and often set my entire day upside down.  I worry and stress too much about the possible negative outcomes of decisions to be good at being an entrepreneur. Anyway, I hoping that I will now be able to do a better job of sticking to  household routines. I’m pretty good at keeping the place tidy but keeping it clean is a completely different kettle of fish. The amount of dust/dirt/grime/grease in some areas is really too much. My hubby did a ton of work in the kitchen to get rid of some of it, so this month’s task is to stay on top of it and keep it under control.

Well, that’s my update for now. How about you – are you participating in the one word movement. Share your word and how you’re doing in the comments. I’d love to hear how things are going for you. Until next time, have a great day