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Archive for December, 2011

Fitness Friday

Just a short note today. I’ve decided to wait until tomorrow to check my weight and measurements – then I will have an ending point for this year and a starting point for next year.

I’m thinking that my weight will be up because of my lack of exercise and some overeating at Christmas. We’ll see what it looks like tomorrow.

Tidbit Tuesday

Here’s  a peek into my thoughts for today…

Overall, I’m pleased with how Christmas day went. Everyone seemed to be happy with their gifts and we had a nice visit with my dad and my sister’s family.

Still need to wrap up DS’s presents from the other set of grandparents. We will give him those when they come to visit next month.

Have been looking at my progress towards my goals. Not as much progress as I would’ve liked but there were baby steps in several areas – I did go on a weekend retreat by myself and had a wonderful time, I met with a personal trainer and got information to strengthen my resolve to get fitter, we received some inheritance money which added to our savings and I did some reading.

On the nonprogress side – I haven’t done anything about quilts for the kids or planning for a Galapagos Island trip.

 I am working on a plan for next year to try and continue to make baby steps in all of my goal areas. Hopefully, I’ll have it done soon and can  let you in on it.

Fitness Friday

Just a quick note as we are getting ready to head out to visit family for the holiday.

I am down another pound. I am going to try hard to stay on track over the holidays. I really want to get as close to my goal as I can by the end of the year.  I am starting to see the difference. My pants are getting loose and I love it.

Have a wonderful holiday season and I’ll be back with a year end review and a preview of next year’s plans.

Tidbit Tuesday

Here are the thoughts that are running around in my head today…

I am

Discouraged by the amount of things I have to do

Excited about spending time with my dad, my sister and her family – especially her granddaughter who just turned 1 last month

Uncertain about what to make for dinner

Hopeful that all my packages will arrive on time

Wishing for a white Christmas

Making plans for my birthday bash

Trying to make plans for next year and my goals

Counting the days – 13 in case you are wondering – till I hit the big 5-0

Listening to my tummy growl – time to eat!

Have a wonderful holiday everyone


Fitness Friday

I made it to my halfway point!! Now I just need to lose 6 more pounds and firm up a few areas. Of course the trick will be to not gain anything back over the holidays.

I am finding it easier to not eat quite as many sweets and to watch my portion sizes. I need to start focusing on the exercise part of the equation.  I’m still trying to find something I enjoy and will want to do on a regular basis.

I am going to order yet another pedometer. I can’t seem to keep these things but they are helpful in my effort to move around more during my day.

Need to get moving on my Christmas preparations. I’ll be back next week.

Tuesday Tidbits

Here is this week’s installment of my random thoughts …

Less than three weeks until the big 5 -0. I am going to have a party and need to get to work on the invitations and a menu.

Will need to do some major cleaning before that time. Where do all the spiders come from?? I have cobwebs in so many places – ugh!

Still need to do some Christmas shopping. I have sent some stuff to my dad’s already but there is still much to buy, wrap and pack.

It is so sunny here – I have been doing some last minute tasks in the garden. It feels good to be out in the sunshine.

I’ll be back again on Friday with more to report on the fitness front.

Fitness Friday

This will be a short entry because I don’t have much time. I went down another teeny bit so I am hopeful that I will make it to my halfway point by December 31st. Overall I am happy that I have finally started to get serious about this goal. It would have been better if I had done it earlier in the year but it’s good that I’m doing it now.

I have done some exercise by moving a bunch of furniture(around and around) to get my space organized and cleaned up. I’m walking again and planning for a new routine for the new year.

I’ll be back to tell you more later.

Tuesday Tidbits

Just another random stream of thoughts …

I have updated the  declutter page. I do not think I will reach my goal of 100 before the end of the year. However, as a family we have decluttered quite a bit. DD has gotten rid of a ton of trash, some clothing, books and art supplies. DS had some clothing and toys removed from his room much to his dismay. Even Dh got into the act and got rid of a few things. We gave away 3 bicycles that had been outgrown – one to a neighbor hood child and 2 to the bike repair store  for their Christmas giveaway.

Personal training is over and I am already slipping! Haven’t done any weight training and have been munching cookies. Did do some Wii sports with the family. Hubby wants to do something just the two of us. He suggested tennis or golf and I countered with swimming. Now I need to go get the membership.

Need to get Christmas presents and have them sent to my dad’s house. I hate shopping  – wish I could farm it out to someone else to do.

Have some ideas for next year but need to flesh them out a bit before I share them here.

See you Friday with the fitness update.

Fitness Friday

Small loss this week.  Want to keep that going, I need to one more pound to be halfway to my original goal. It’s better than nothing but not as good as I would have liked.

Not sure how things will go now that my personal training sessions are over. I may try it again  after the holidays. It was definitely helpful and I learned a lot of things.

I’ve been walking but my leg is still hurting so I haven’t done as much as I would like. I hope it heals soon because I do want to keep doing some kind of exercise. It was gratifiying to lift heavier weights or do more reps but I’m still not into using weights.  Might try to use the hubby’s Nordic Flex – if I can figure out how without asking him!

See you next week