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Archive for the ‘travel/retreat’ Category

Travel Goals

Way back in 2010(oh my! hard to believe it was that long ago), when I started this blog I had six goals and two of them had to do with travel.

One was to do five solo retreats. I had originally planned to go to different places for each retreat so that I could experience different areas of the country. Instead what happened was that my first retreat location was such a good fit – not too expensive, a beautiful place, a welcoming vibe, a good mix of group and individual activities, great food,  and close enough that the time to get there wasn’t too long. I ended up going there almost every year since my first time.

The second goal was to go to the Galapagos Islands. I put that on the back burner when our church sponsored a trip to Israel. I had a lovely time in Israel. It is a beautiful country. One of the highlights was floating in the Dead Sea. Learning some of the history and seeing sights that I’ve heard so much about in church was an experience that I will always treasure.

Once that trip was over I started thinking again about the Galapagos and perhaps adding Machu Picchu to the itinerary. However lately I’ve been reading about how those areas are suffering from the effects of tourism and I wonder if I should go? Part of me would still really like to go but another part of me thinks I could use the money I’ve saved to explore other areas of the world and/or the United States.

In terms of the world some goals would be walking along the Great Wall of China, seeing the Northern Lights in Finland, seeing the salt flat in Bolivia, going back to Great Britain, Greece,  and visiting my brother-in-law in Saudi Arabia before he returns to the states.

There are a lot of things I’d like to see and areas I would like to explore within the US. One thing about traveling in the US is that the hubby would go with me. He has no desire to travel outside of the US but would love to see all the National Parks in the US. We could probably find some areas that we would both enjoy.

Also, I’ve been thinking about relocating once the boy graduates. The cold winters and my arthritis aren’t a good match and I’m considering a warmer climate for my retirement years. Traveling in the US would allow me to see if I would like living somewhere else.

What are your thoughts about travel? Are you a fan of international travel or do you prefer to stay close to home? Have you been to any of the places I mentioned above? I’d love to hear from you – please leave a comment

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another, unedited/sloppy post of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

It is so nice to have some flowers blooming inside – right now I have 2 cacti and an orchid blooming.

It was bitter cold this morning so there was a two hour delay and that always seems to mess up my schedule. I should be able to just go with the flow but it never seems to go that way.

I had a good time at the retreat although there was no planning done. I did read 3 books, make some yarn from old tee shirts and get most of the templates made for the girl’s quilt. I just couldn’t seem to get a grip on what I want to do this year. There are so many things that need done but I have no desire/motivation to do them. Wish I could pay someone else to take of them for me. Actually I probably could pay someone to do some of them but I’m not willing to spend that much money on things that I really should be doing myself.

I had been looking forward to a visit with family and some high school friends but it looks like the weather and a reoccurrence of the bedbugs are going to put a stop to that plan. I’ll have to try again – maybe over Easter break?

I’m feeling so blah today – need to get off the computer and try to at least finish the laundry before the guys get home.

Hope you’re having a great, warm day wherever you are.

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another, unedited/sloppy post of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

I’m gathering together all the stuff I’ll need for my annual planning retreat. I just realized that I’ve been doing this for the past 7 years. It has really been a great experience. I love the location, the people who are there are so friendly and it is just a joy to be there. Plus the food is fantastic and I don’t have to cook it or clean up afterwards.

One of the things I’m concentrating on this year is to really look at the things in my house and decide whether I want to keep them or not. I have a collection of perfume/lotion/moisturizers that I’ve bought or been given over the years. Some I’ve “saved” for special events, some I got when people died and I didn’t want to throw them away, others I’ve bought because I “should” be using them and some I’ve bought because I wanted but haven’t gotten around to using. I’ve started to actually use some of them and I’m deciding whether to keep or toss others.

In a similar vein, I used to hate throwing away food (children are starving in Africa, you know) but I just tossed some packaged quinoa with kale(I know – I shouldn’t be buying packaged foods, baby steps people, baby steps). No one really liked and in the past I would have let it sit in the fridge or put it the hubby’s lunch or try to doctor it up but this time I just threw it out.  It felt so good to just be done with it.

Oh what a difference a few days makes. Saturday it was sunny and mid fifties. I was out cleaning up the yard and thinking about what to grow this spring. Now today it’s in the twenties and I just shoveled the sidewalk for the second time. At least I didn’t have to clean off my windshield before heading out.

In an effort to be more efficient, I decided to follow the advice of scheduling  a bunch of errands for today. The plan was –  a dentist appointment, a meeting with a financial planner, picking up a prescription, stopping at the bank to deposit some checks and get some small bills to pay allowances and lunch with a friend.  Then I was reminded why I don’t do this – the dentist appointment went longer than they thought it would,  I needed to shovel the sidewalk, there was a snow squall as I was driving to lunch, I couldn’t find my deposit slips and I completely forgot about the prescription. It may cost me more in time and gas but the peace of mind I get is worth spreading things out over the course of a few days. I’ll have to look elsewhere to be more efficient.

I need to get off the computer and figure out what’s for dinner. Wherever you are, I hope you are having a great day.

Tuesday Tidbits

Another installment of the random thoughts rolling around my head…

I had a lovely weekend away at retreat. I always enjoy my stay there. For one thing, it is lovely not to have to think about what to make for a meal, make the meal, eat it and then clean it up. Another wonderful thing is the 10 minute massage I get which loosens up me up and feels great. Add in some lovely music from some birds and crisp air during a hike around the camp – lovely to see all the ferns, wildflowers and signs of spring popping out. Last but not least good conversations and an almost unlimited supply of chocolate.

I was able to read a few books and catch up on some e-books I had downloaded(last year!). Nice to finally get those taken care of.

I’m really ready for spring – it snowed a bit on Friday and we may be getting some tonight as well. I’m itching to get out and clean up the garden and start planting. I received some geraniums in the mail today and I have seeds for my cool season veggies to put in the garden.

I need to get back to the pool – I haven’t been there yet this month which means I’m way behind schedule. I will definitely need to do better next month. I should go before then but I don’t think I’ll make it. I’m shopping for the food to prepare for our church’s Lenten dinner tomorrow, I have 2 lunch dates with friends(one a very belated birthday celebration), I’m helping my son make dessert for his Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet and I need to get supplies for the girl to make desserts for the youth group progressive dinner this weekend. Not much time to fit in swimming.

I definitely need to come up with a schedule so I can at least try to get things done. I’m great at making them but not very good at following them. But you never know, this time around could be the time it sticks.  Do you have a schedule, a routine or just fly by the seat of your pants?? I’m curious and would love to hear from you – don’t be shy – someone has to go first and it might as well be you. Please leave a comment.  Thanks


Measure Up Monday  – How am I doing on my goals??

Just received information on the annual UFO Retreat. I have been there the last two years. It is mostly filled with quilters and scrapbookers but there are few others who come.  For the past two years I have taken my knitting, some books and a bunch of hopes and dreams. I try to make a plan for the rest of the year in between knitting some dish cloths and reading some good books.

This year I may be brave enough to take some quilting along – we’ll see how I feel. It is still two months away so I have lots of time to make a decision. I really enjoy this weekend away but I would like to try for something a bit longer – maybe in the summer of 2013 or 2014. Would love to do something in the  New Mexico/Arizona area  – that would probably be better in the winter.


Way back at the beginning of this blog, I started with 6 things I wanted to accomplish by the time I reach 60. I’ve gotten away from that but I’m going to try to get back to working and reporting on them.

On Mondays I will be doing a Monthly Update Monday post with information on one of my goals. Today I am going to update my goal of solo retreats.

My goal is to take 6 solo retreats. So far I have taken 2 retreats. I believe that I will continue to take yearly retreats at the same place because I really enjoy the area, the people who come and the structure of the weekend. Plus the price is very reasonable.

I’ll try to work on my reading list so I can report on it next week. Hope you are making progress on your goals.

Retreat Update

I had a wonderful time at the retreat.  The people were very nice. Two scrapbookers took me under their wing and sat with me for meals. The food was good and plentiful. The cabins were nice although the mattress was not very comfortable.

I was able to complete 3 dishcloths, read one book and do some planning.  Had a lot to think about and didn’t get to everything I had hoped to, but it was a good break from the usual routine.

I watched at a lot of quilters while they were working – it made me want to get started again. I bought more fabric –  as if I don’t have enough already. Oh well, I’ll just have to go back again next year.

First Retreat

I will be taking my first retreat this month. I will be going to a Lutheran camp for a UFO retreat. I will be taking my knitting, a few books and some paper and pencils. I want to make some new dishcloths for my kitchen, read a few books and do some planning  for 2011 goals. I hope this time away from my regular routine will allow me to get some stuff done. I’ll let you know how things turn out.

A Little Bit of Everything

Can’t believe that the year is almost over. There was so much more I wanted to do but perhaps next year. I hope to get better or a least more consistent in posting  my progress next year.

I have read 60 books on my way to my goal of 1500.

I have taken 4 glass classes and created a variety of items. More to come on this.

I have started to try to find ways to save more money.

I have looked at various companies that sponsor trips to the Galapagos Islands.

I have looked into possible retreats for next year.

I had a discussion with the girl about her quilt. Now we need to come up with a design and fabric.

So, I can look back and say I made a least a tiny start on all of my goals and that makes me very happy.

I’ll try to be back soon with more details.