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Archive for May, 2016

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another sloppy, unedited installment of the thoughts rolling around in my head today…

It’s been awhile since I ‘ve posted – there has been a lot of soul searching going on here. Various factors have combined to make it necessary to make some household changes and it has been a difficult time. Lots of anger, disappointment, frustration, resentment and regret surfacing and needing to be dealt with. Things are not settled and probably won’t be for awhile but we have made some tentative plans and hopefully we’ll manage to keep things going.

I’ve decided not to grow anything this year – I’m just going to work on maintaining the areas that have been cleaned out and try and get some more areas cleared. There isn’t money to have someone come in and clear out the orchard so that is one area to work on. I still need to finish the island bed, take care of the compost area, and then the area between the orchard and the vegetable beds needs a lot of work done to it. That is more than enough to keep me busy over the summer.

With the possibility of  downsizing and moving in our near future, I need to work on getting the girl, the boy and myself to go through our stuff and get rid of things that no longer brings us any pleasure. I’ve begun reading Marie Kondo’s book, the life changing magic of tidying up, and it is definitely giving me some ideas. I’m not sure I agree with everything(I know I will be leaving books for last) but it certainly does make you think.

Down to 8 more days of school and as usual I am not ready to have my solitude taken away. I’ve scheduled some camps and am working on a daily schedule to hopefully make the days go smoothly.

Having trouble typing because there is something wrong with my thumb. Many months ago I got a tiny sliver of glass stuck in my thumb and ever since then I have had problems. At first it seemed like it had worked its way out but then a few weeks later it seemed to be back.  This continued several times until I decided that maybe it was actually warts that were developing and then going away. Just recently it seemed to be more like a blood blister that finally broke open but the thumb is still sore.

Did finally schedule  mammogram and gynecology appointments. I guess the next thing is a dermatology appointment to see about some blotches on my hands, arms and legs. Ugh, it is always something.

Hope you are having a great day wherever you are.

Soul Searching

Sitting here waiting for my daughter to return my car so I can go to church and I’m going back and forth in my mind over what to do. Should I skip Sunday School and take her to work because her car broke down and she can’t afford to get it fixed or should I let her deal with the consequences and take two busses to get there. That’s if she can even get two busses since it’s the Sunday schedule and there aren’t as many busses running. Should I loan her (more)money so she can get the car fixed or take a Uber ride to work?  What is helping and what is enabling??

Oh, to be able to go back in time and change how you did things – there are so many things I wish I had done differently. But I can’t go back in time, I can only choose to try to better from now on. The difficulty with that is trying to determine what is better.