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Posts tagged ‘fitness’

My Second Hundred Day Challenge for 2020

It’s time to start another challenge.  I’ve been thinking about things, trying to figure out what the goals should be this time around. When I first started this back in January I was thinking that each period would have different goals/categories. However I’m now thinkng that each period will just be a continuation of the same basic categories but some will have new or more specific goals. So here goes –

  1. Declutter – again remove 100 items. I just heard that they may be starting to pick up items again so that could help free up some space and get some stuff I’ve already collected out of the house.
  2.  Budget – Actually I did do a good job of staying on top of recording our expenditures and I’m going to continue that. This time my goal is to see if I can get $500 or more into our liquid emergency fund.
  3.  Read 15 books with 5 coming from the TBR lists. I’m sticking with the same amount because I’m hoping to be spending more time on my last two goals.
  4.  Exercise for 20 minutes at least 5 times a week and walk at least once a week. I really need to put a lot of focus and effort here.  It’s been almost two years since I learned that I have arthritis in both hips. Last October I started seeing a physical therapist because I was having trouble. Not pain but discomfort and I was modifying actions to avoid pain and discomfort. We worked together and made some progress but I’ve let things slide and I’m feeling more discomfort again. I need to get back to doing the exercises she prescribed. I also want to get back to walking on a regular basis.
  5.  Spend at least 2 hours per week on my hobbies and that will be split with 1 hour spent in the garden and the other hour on my other hobbies. I would really like to get my granddaughter’s quilt and some garden stones done this time around.

This challenge period starts May 19th and runs till August 26. Anyone care to join me?? Leave me a comment with your goals and I’ll be glad to check on your progress and cheer you on.

Fitness Friday

We are now one-third of a way through the year and my fitness routine has fallen apart. I was doing fairly well through March but then Spring Break came and things went haywire. I need to once again get back into a routine and make more of an effort to stick to the program.  My stats so far are as follows:

12,000 steps per day  90/120                       Some yoga each day   95/120                                         100 days of planking    54/61

14,000 steps per day  57/120                        Strength/cardio 6 days/week  83/102

The goal for May is to walk at least 12,000 steps every day, practice the plank hold daily, do some kind of exercise for at least 8 minutes every day and to swim/bike/walk for at least 30 minutes 3 times. We’ll see how things go.

What are you doing to stay fit this month?

Fitness Friday

Last week’s stats – yoga/stretching 7/7; cardio/strength training 6/6; at least 12 minutes 7/7; at least 12,000 steps 7/7; plank hold 6/7

Stats look good but it was a struggle to get them.  I was up late one evening walking round and round my downstairs trying to hit 12,000 steps. The new strength training plan is causing my knees to ache. I’m not sure it is going to work out for me. I’ll give it another week but I’m looking for something else. Maybe I should make an appointment to get some help with picking exercises that won’t bother my knees.

Not really much else to say today – hope you are doing well with your goals.

Fitness Friday

Here’s the update for how I’ve done so far

January – yoga/stretching for two and a half minutes per day – 28/31

cardio/strength training for two and a half minutes 6x/week  – 21/26

steps  –  420,192  daily average 13554


February –  yoga/stretching for three minutes per day –  28/28

cardio/strength training for three minutes  6x/week – 14/15 – did not count the 10 days I was gone

steps – 378,571   daily average 13520

The plan for March is at least 6 minutes of yoga/stretching per day, at least 6 minutes of cardio/strength training 6x/week, at least 12,000 steps per day and practice and increase my plank hold every day.

What are your fitness goals for this month? Please share in the comments.

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another installment of the random thoughts rolling around in my head…

It’s been so long since I’ve written anything and I don’t even know where to start.

Israel was wonderful. You never know what kind of person you will get when the travel agent matches you with a stranger but Dian was a dream. We got along and had a great time together. The scenery was different than what I had expected. Instead of lots of brown and yellow there were wildflowers, lots of green and of course the various blues of the sky and sea/river. Our guide was very knowledgeable and kept us moving at a quick pace. There were certain areas I would have liked to linger in and others I could have skipped but overall it was a spectacular trip.

The family managed to make it without me. DS was sad to see me return because it meant an end to the “good” snacks and the unlimited tv and computer time he enjoyed at the sitter’s house afterschool each day. DD was glad to no longer have laundry and babysitting duties. Dh was happy to go back to just his usual work load.

Somehow I got onto Jon Acuff’s mailing list – can’t remember how- and he just sent an email about starting over and it really resonated with me. My plan for the new year ground to halt after Israel and it is time to get back in the saddle and get to work. I’ll be recommitting to my word for the year – COMPLETION- by choosing some items to get done. Stay tuned for an update on that.

I got off track with my fitness due to the trip but I’m planning to get back into the swing of things with the beginning of March fast approaching. I’ve been toying with starting a 100 day challenge – working on doing a plank position exercise and trying to add more seconds each day. Anyone up for joining me? You wouldn’t have to do the same exact challenge. Just pick one thing (like taking care of one piece of paperwork-that’s a hint for you J) and commit to doing it for 100 days. It would be helpful to do it with other people – we could check in with each other and cheer each other on. Let me know if you would be interested in joining me. I’ll be starting March 1st so that gives you sometime to come up with your challenge.

Need to get to work on the laundry and a plan for dinner, so I’m off for now. Please think about joining in the 100 day challenge – I need all the help I can get to keep me on track.

Fitness Friday

I’ve been in a bit of a funk since I got back from Israel and haven’t done much in the way of fitness. I forgot to take my fitbit with me – left it charging at the computer when we left for the airport. I was really bummed because I was looking forward to some record breaking days. Several people in the group did have their devices so I was able to get an estimate of steps for the trip.  Overall it was quite good but I’ve done little to no walking since then. It has been frigid again and the kids were off school three days this week.  I’m behind my goal although I’m not sure how far behind – need to check my records and make a plan to get back up to speed.

Haven’t done much with the cardio/strength training since I’ve been back. I did do some type of stretching/yoga everyday of the trip and most days since. I need to learn to roll with the changes in my schedule – that is still a difficult thing for me. I’m not good at being spontaneous, I tend to get in a bit of thinking rut and spend way too much time bemoaning the changes instead of dealing with them.

I’ve found a strength training plan that I’m going to try. Not sure if I will be able to pull it off but since I’m going for  developing the habit of exercising, I’m going to do minimal repetitions and hopefully I’ll manage it.

What do you do for fitness when the weather is so dreadfully cold? I’d love to hear your suggestions. Please leave me a comment. Thanks


Fitness Friday

Mid-month check in

Goal one  –  Two and a half minutes of yoga/stretching daily  13/15

Goal two  –  Two and a half minutes of strength training  3 times per week   5/5

Goal three  –  Two and a half minutes of cardio(not including my daily walks) 3 times per week   3/5

Goal four  –  minimum of 12,000 steps daily   13/15; stretch of 14,000 daily  12/15

Overall I’m pretty pleased. This week wasn’t very good due to cold weather and family drama. I didn’t have the motivation/energy to make myself go out in the cold to walk or to do much of anything else for two days.  I need to let that go and remember that every day is a chance to start over.

How are your fitness goals going? Have you hit your targets or had a bit of a slump like me? Let me know in the comments.



Fitness Friday

I’m still on pace to hit 5 million steps so I’m thinking that for next year I’ll try to add a few more – maybe shoot for 5 and a half million steps.

This is my list of possible goals for next year – I will not be attempting all of them – just one or two

– riding the stationary bike for 5 miles – see what my baseline time is and then try to halve it by the end of the year

– setting a distance goal for riding the stationary bike

– doing 10 “real” pushups

– swim once a week, starting distance of 250m and moving up

– jumping rope once a week, starting with one minute and working up to 10 minutes

– daily yoga or stretching for at least 5 minutes

I’m still mulling over things and trying to see how everything can work together. What are you planning to do fitness-wise in 2015. Please let me know, it might spark my thinking process.

Fitness Friday

UGH! Yet another year where I do not reach my fitness goals(well, actually I do think I will reach my step goal but the swimming goals are definitely not happening). There has to be some underlying reason that is keeping me from getting there but what is it? Or should I say what are they? I know part of my resistance is anger – anger that the body that used to never gain weight has changed, anger that I feel deprived of my favorite foods, anger at other people’s expectations.

Of course another part of it is lifestyle. I am a rather sedentary person, my favorite hobbies involve sitting – whether that is at a computer, reading books, doing handwork or paying bills for my husband’s business. I do love my daily walks but they aren’t exactly vigorous.

Another factor is that I’ve never felt particularly athletic and still struggle with feeling uncoordinated and awkward. I’ve tried several different things but none of them have kept me interested enough to want to do it on a regular basis.

I still harbor the secret hope that just walking more would be enough. The truth is  that if I don’t change my eating habits, I’m never going to make a move towards better health. They always say you can’t out train a bad diet and I’m finally beginning to believe it. I need to come up with a plan to shake things up, one that makes small sustainable moves towards a better lifestyle.

What is one thing you do that helps to keep you fit? I’d love to hear it – please share!

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another installment of the random thoughts rolling around in my head…

I had a busy holiday weekend with visiting family, eating way too much, doing some Christmas shopping and taking care of a sick kid.

It is always so nice to spend time with family but it leaves me wanting more. I wish we lived closer or that we weren’t living such busy lives – something/anything that would make it easier to get together more often.

I didn’t do any Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday shopping but I did pick up a few things and still have more to do. It was so much easier and more fun when I wasn’t the one shopping for all the gifts and wondering if I was spending too much or not enough.

We( I should say hubby and the boy) decorated the yard and the windows plus put up the tree. Next is putting out the various decorations, nativity sets and Advent items. I’m not really feeling the holiday spirit but I’m trying to get things done. Wondering if  this is the last year for Santa Claus – he is ten and I’m not sure if he’ll believe much longer.

I’ve decided to give up on the swimming challenge – it just didn’t work out this year but I’m getting close to my 5 million steps which is exciting for me. Starting to think about next year. Not sure what I want to focus on but I do want to continue to work on my health/fitness journey. I don’t want it to be about pounds and inches – maybe it will be on number of steps/miles/pushups? As Fagin would say  “I’m reviewing the situation” before I decide.

With that in mind I’m off to listen to the Oliver soundtrack. Do let me know if you’ve begun setting some goals for next year, I’d love to know what you are up to.