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Archive for December, 2016

Tidbit Thursday

Just another unedited, sloppy installment of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

I put out three large bags and two small containers of stuff for pick up by the Viet Nam Veterans of America. It feels so good to get those things out of the house.  My daughter took her snow board and a painting she had done and I tossed a Christmas dish towel that I couldn’t get clean. That brings my total up to 129 items! Unfortunately there is still a lot that could be cleaned out so I am going to continue working on this challenge next year.

We had a very nice visit with my dad, my sister and my niece and nephews. We took the cat which was an experience. He “talked” for almost all of the four hours we were in the car. He was not a fan of my niece’s dog – he would arch his back, hiss and put up his claws when the dog got too close.

As I suspected the girl was not able to make it but we had a nice visit last night. I finally got to meet the boyfriend. He was rather quiet but seems nice.  They got a pair of young cats for Christmas. Now the boy is wanting to get another cat as well. Not sure how I feel about that.

The boy got everything on his list but is still not satisfied. He is very happy with what he got but still wants more. He got some cash (in addition to the gifts) from his grandparents and is upset that we won’t take him shopping. He hasn’t even had time to explore everything he got and he wants more. Definitely need to work on this attitude.

I’ve been thinking about plans for next year but I haven’t settled on anything yet. What are you hoping to accomplish in 2017? Let me know in the comments.

Tidbit Thursday

Just another sloppy, unedited  installment of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted -there has just been a lot going on with all of the end of the year activities and I haven’t taken the time to sit down and type up a post. I have been thinking about how the year has gone and how I would like next year to go. I’ve got lots of ideas but I need to try to figure what makes sense and is within the realm of possibility.

We’re headed to my Dad’s for Christmas and I don’t think the girl will make it. She has to work Christmas Eve  and doesn’t have adequate transportation to make the distance.  Plus she wants to spend time with her boyfriend and I’m not sure she’s ready to expose him to the whole clan.

I added two tank tops, 15 children’s books, a pair of snow boots, a pair of dress shoes, two hats,  and two pillowcases to the donation pile and I tossed two expired supplements. That puts me over the one hundred items decluttered mark which means I met my hundred day challenge. Or did I?  I started thinking about things and I’m wondering – if I bought something to replace something I got rid of(a new tree to replace the old one, a new topper for the tree to replace the broken one, a better fitting hat), should I really count those items?? If the goal is to simplify and have fewer possessions then the answer is no but if the goal is to only have things I love and enjoy then the answer is yes. Something to ponder for the new year.

I hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing you have a wonderful end of this year and a great beginning to the new year. See you in 2017!

100 Day Challenge Progress Report v 10

Really slowing down as the year comes to a close. Not a lot of items to report this week but I hit  the 100 item mark.

Trashed – my husband’s artificial tree – finally got him to agree to let go of this and a handmade angel topper for the tree( I never really cared for this but I thought it was one of hubby’s treasured family heirlooms then this year it finally fell apart and he said it wasn’t really special so we tossed it)

Donating – a hairbrush, a sweatshirt, a sweater, a pair of dress socks and a fabric bookcover

Still have lots of areas to go through so I’m going to keep on plugging along.

How is your challenge coming along? Have you started thinking about a challenge to start off 2017? Let me know in the comments.