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Archive for March, 2016

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another unedited/sloppy installment of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

Extended family time over the holiday. First was  a lovely visit with the boy, my Dad, my  Uncle, my cousin and my cousin’s wife. We hadn’t gotten together for awhile so it was nice to finally manage to do it.  Then there was the egg hunt/picnic with my Dad’s side of the family. As always, the food was fantastic and I ate too much. Finally we went out to my in-laws and had dinner on Sunday evening.

Need to get out in the garden but have not been motivated. Need to just pick a place and get started before the weeds start turning to seeds. It is nice to look out and see the hyacinths and daffodils. The winter aconite that I planted last fall didn’t do as well as I had hoped – only about half came up so far. Some of the bulbs are sprouting. Need to decide where to put the plants I ordered last fall. Don’t remember where I was going to put them so I need to come up with an idea now.

The hubby has finally decided he has had enough pain from his injury and he is going to have surgery this Friday. It will be at least one overnight stay perhaps two. Then two weeks at home and a total of four to six weeks of no driving. Hopefully this will alleviate/eliminate the pain he has been dealing with.

I have to admit that I am not looking forward to his recovery period.  The thought of having someone around all the time is not my idea of fun under the best of circumstances – I’m very introverted and really need my private time. On top of that we have been having some issues and  I wonder how we will manage this time. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

Hope all is well in your part of the world, until next time – have a great day.

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another unedited/sloppy installment of the thoughts running around in my head today…

I’m so frustrated – I spent what seemed like hours trying on almost every bra in my size before deciding on two to purchase. There was very little in the wireless section, so I ended up with wires that seemed bearable. However, once I wore them for an entire day, I discovered that one bra  was really uncomfortable. I need to go back out again but I’m putting it off for awhile – I need to recover from this trip before I head out again. I’ll just make do with what I have.

Since I did get my glasses and at least one acceptable bra, I’ve been thinking about my next two projects to work on. One is definitely getting my tax information together and setting up a routine so I’m not scrambling to find everything again next year. Not sure about the other one – need to think some more.

The house looks and feels so much better since we got things cleaned up for the party. Now the job is to keep it this way – don’t let things start to pile up again and make sure that the guys keep putting their stuff away.

It is a beautifully sunny day but we’ve been having a cold snap and I haven’t been able to work in the garden. There are a lot of weeds to pull, several trees/bushes to prune and I need to think about spring planting.

I do love this time of year – Easter is such a time of new promise and hope. I love the traditions and look forward to the church services of Holy week.  Each service has something different to offer to the complete story. I’m also looking forward to the weekend and spending time with my extended family. Never seems like we do that enough anymore. People are always so busy and it is so hard to make plans.  Maybe its harder because I’m the one doing the work now – adulthood is a lot harder than I expected. Not sure why anyone is in such a hurry to grow up and take on all these responsibilities.

Hope you are enjoying some signs of spring today. Enjoy your day until next time.


Tidbit Tuesday

Just another unedited/sloppy post of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

The boy finally got his braces, he had been looking forward to it and was so excited to have them put on. Of course by the end of the day he was in misery and wishing it had never happened. He is slowly getting used to them but it has been painful for him. It would help if he would use the wax but he simply refuses to.

Have lots to do to get ready for the Progressive Dinner starting here on Saturday – I didn’t get as much done as I had planned last week. It looks like there won’t be much decorating because the place really needs a thorough cleaning more than it needs decorating. I’ve had plenty of time to get everything done but as usual,, I’ve waited until the last minute to get things moving. Will I ever change??

Took a walk in the garden and I’m seeing some bulbs starting to sprout. It will be interesting to see what turns up since I planted some new things last fall. Need to start thinking about what to plant in the veggie beds and decide what to do about the orchard. Need to think about whether or not I’m going to try blueberries again and make plans to finish the water feature space. Lots to do out in the yard.

Was, actually still am, in a bit of a funk – not sure what set it off but I am once again in the process of starting over – trying to get back on the good habit train and stay there. You would think by now I would catch myself sooner and not let things go so far off track but it doesn’t seem to work out that way.

Enough of this, I’m off to do some cleaning. Until next time – have yourself a great day.

Tidbit Tuesday

Just another sloppy/unedited edition of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

Another sunshine filled day although it is supposed to get cold again. I’m headed out later to enjoy the sun and warmth before that happens.

It is very hard to type when the cat is trying to help. Marco likes attention and he makes sure you give it to him. He is getting a bit better at getting off the counter when I tell him to which is an improvement – before I would have to chase him and put him down but now he is jumping down when he hears me yell.

Just noticed that Matthew left his flash drive plugged into the computer – that will make it hard for him to work on his project in school today. We need to get better at making sure that he puts it in his backpack when he finishes working.

March 1st – a new month – time to check my progress and set some new goals.

  1.  I did very well with my step goal of 8500steps/day – only missed it once and got my average for the year up to 9000/day. My goal for this month is 9500 steps/day.
  2.  I didn’t do as well with my sleeping at least 7 hours a night goal. I only made that 19 out of 29 days. I need to do a better job of getting to bed before ten pm from Sunday through Thursday. I can sleep a little later on weekends but during the work week I have to be up at 5:40am. Need to work on wrapping up my evening activities earlier which means I need to stop reading in the tub. I always say I’ll just read one chapter but that usually turns into two or three.
  3. I started off doing well with the cleaning but have slacked off lately. It should get back on track as I prepare for the Progressive Dinner  for members of our church. We are the first stop and I’m trying to get things ready for company.  One other benefit of the dinner is that it lit a fire under hubby who cleared out massive amounts of stuff that had been stored in our upstairs. Since we are still in the process of renovating the house, the upstairs has been the storage space for all the stuff we’re not sure what we want to do with as well as the hubby’s personal “I might need/want this some day” space.
  4. I did not get new bras – there were two lingerie stores that I had hoped to visit but they both went out of business.  I’m not really the Victoria’s Secret type of shopper. I’m not looking for “pretty” or “sexy” and I don’t like underwire at all. I just want something that will hold the girls up and not cost a fortune. However, it has been a long time and I really think I should get a proper fitting so I get the right size. Anyone have any recommendations for me?? Please leave a comment if you do. Thanks
  5. I did order new glasses. The exam was quick and easy and I went with a pair for reading and a pair for driving. Of course two days after I ordered them, I found the long lost pair of glasses at my husband’s shop. I was sure I had lost them at a church event and never even considered looking for them at the shop. Apparently my hubby thought a customer had left them and had them in a drawer. He was cleaning things out and put them on the bookshelf where I found them and thought they looked familiar. Oh well, now I’ll have a spare just in case anything happens to the new ones.

New goals for March will be

  1.  9500 steps/day
  2.  Be in bed by 10 pm Sunday through Thursday and no later than 11 pm Friday and Saturday
  3. Get house cleaned up for Progressive Dinner
  4. Get new bras
  5. Continue reading books from my shelf – trying to get through the 200+ that I have accumulated

What are your goals for March? Have you been working on a word for the year? Let me know in the comments. Until next time, have a wonderful day.