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Archive for April, 2015

Tidbit Thursday

Just another installment of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

I could spend a week of 8 hour days weeding and I don’t think I would be able to clear all my garden beds – ugh! With more rain forecast there are just going to be more and more of them popping up.

I still need to get the tax stuff together and out to the accountant – I miss those days when I could fill out the EZ form and be done in a couple of hours.

Just over 8 weeks until school is out and summer vacation begins. The girl will be gone for most of it – working at a overnight camp for June and July and then off with a friend for a week in August. The boy has two weeks of camp set up so far. Not sure what else we will do – may try to get to an amusement park again. Definitely need a plan and then need to stick to it.

I have been making really bad choices lately and I need to turn things around.  This continual cycle of starting a plan and not following through for any length of time is really getting old. I’m tired of disappointing myself and not making any forward progress. I need to get serious about uncovering what is keeping me from doing what I say I want to do.  Need to figure out what I’m afraid of and try to come to terms with it.

Would like to update my fitness and one word goals but I don’t want to be depressed by my lack of progress – maybe I’ll get to it next week.

Guess that’s it for today – thanks for stopping by.