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Posts tagged ‘birthday party’

Tuesday Tidbits

Here are the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

It was so beautiful this morning. We had our first snowfall of the season and everything looked so crisp, clean and bright. Made me wish I had a camera(and the talent) to take some photos.

Wondering how many of DD’s friends will show up for her sweet sixteen party on Saturday. She invited 60 of her nearest and dearest friends and family to join her on a party boat to sail and dance for 3 hours.

Wishing I had done a bit more in the orchard before the snow came.

Happy to not be cooking for Thanksgiving – I’ll gladly do clean up instead.

Not looking forward to doing Christmas shopping this year – it is my most hated holiday task.

Off to do more work on my November goal – I have 6 boxes of stuff ready to be picked up and taken away.

Tidbit Tuesday

Here’s the lastest installment of the things that are running through my head…

I love the look of my irises in bloom – I have white, yellow and purple ones.

I love the smell of my peonies as I walk past my dining room table.

I can’t wait for the strawberries to get really red. They are starting to get pink and the temptation to pick one is really strong in my DS. I’m trying to get him to wait but it isn’t easy.

So glad we had rain last night – the garden really needed it.

We really had a nice time at the bike oval on Saturday. It was a gorgeous day and there weren’t too many other people there. The kids were able to run around, bike and play.

There was an article in today’s paper about an indoor bike facility coming to town. That would be interesting.

I’ve gotten behind in reconciliing my business/personal credit card. I’ve been paying it but I haven’t actually been dividing it up. I’ve just paid it with whichever account had enough money. Need to get it staightened out and than keep it straight.

Went to “Camp Blast” a free day to explore what camp is like with DS on Sunday. He signed up for an overnight camp – 3nights and 4 days. We’ll see how it goes. He has never been away from home on his own before. He is also signed up for a week-long day camp through Cub Scouts. Plus he wants to go spend some time with my dad.

DD’s  confirmation is coming up. She wants a new dress and does need one but I hate the thought of shopping. She ordered one but didn’t like the way it looked. Now I need to return it and take her out for something else.

I guess that’s enough for now. Hope your day is going great.

Ta Da/ To Do Thursday

Here were my tasks for the week

1.  Exercise for 15 minutes – Didn’t get this one done – I’ve been having trouble getting myself started in the mornings. I haven’t done any yoga or much of anything except for my daily walks.

2.  Work at least 5 hours in the garden – Another thing not accomplished.  Did do some weeding and some work with the compost. Still have much more to do. Want to get some more things planted, continue the weeding and spread some mulch.

3.  Wash the winter coats and put them away – The coats are drying now and will get packed away as soon as they are done.

The big task for the next few days is to get the birthday party stuff and make it through that event. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can have some fun at the bike oval. I’ll be back next Thursday with a new task list and hopefully some energy to get things done.

Tidbit Tuesday

Here is this week’s random stream of thoughts …

I have been enjoying the irises that I cut. I love the way they look and the way they smell.

I’m trying to get ready for DS’s birthday – need to make treats for school, Cub Scouts and the party. We are having a bike party. Hope the weather cooperates.

I seem to be healing okay – the bruising is gone.  I do still need to be careful about lifting things.

I wonder what we will do this summer. Both kids want to spend time alone at my dad’s house. I’m not sure if he will be up for it or not.

It’s hard to believe that school is almost over for another year.  Time seems to be speeding up.

Should have tried to get in a nap today – I think it is going to be a long evening.

Off to pay some bills and get ready for the evening.

Fitness Friday

No movement on the scale this week. I thought there would be a gain because of all the junk food I’ve been eating. My pants are feeling a bit tight but there isn’t any weight gain.

My first week of step counting went well. I had over 80,000 steps. However, this week isn’t looking as good. I need to do some walking today and tomorrow to even get close to 70,000 for this week. We’ll see how it goes.

Now that most of the party leftovers are gone, I hope to get back to eating better. I have no will power – if the junk food is here, I will eat it. Hopefully I will get better with portion size if I can’t just avoid it altogether.

I’m off to camp for a weekend retreat. I am really looking forward to it. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Tidbit Tuesday

Things I’m thinking about today …

How beautiful the sunshine is today – want to get outside  to do something – anything to just enjoy the light

How much fun I had on Saturday – it was fun to spend time with family and friends

What to have for dinner tonight?? We’ve been eating party leftovers and I think it is time for a change

What to do about the stuff in the loft – now that I’m rearranging and organizing, I need to decide which projects I’ll do and which I should say goodbye to

When can I get everything done??

Who will be at the retreat this weekend – I had fun last year and wonder if the girls who “adopted” me will be there again

Why don’t I just walk away from this computer and do something – anything

Did anyone else make a TaDa/ToDo list? Wonder how you are doing – I got rid of some plastic containers by filling them with party leftovers for people to take home and had one no-spend day so far. I haven’t updated yet – maybe later in the week when it is supposed to be rainy.

Off now to enjoy some sunshine.

Tidbit Tuesday

Here are the thoughts that are running around in my head today…

I am

Discouraged by the amount of things I have to do

Excited about spending time with my dad, my sister and her family – especially her granddaughter who just turned 1 last month

Uncertain about what to make for dinner

Hopeful that all my packages will arrive on time

Wishing for a white Christmas

Making plans for my birthday bash

Trying to make plans for next year and my goals

Counting the days – 13 in case you are wondering – till I hit the big 5-0

Listening to my tummy growl – time to eat!

Have a wonderful holiday everyone


Tuesday Tidbits

Here is this week’s installment of my random thoughts …

Less than three weeks until the big 5 -0. I am going to have a party and need to get to work on the invitations and a menu.

Will need to do some major cleaning before that time. Where do all the spiders come from?? I have cobwebs in so many places – ugh!

Still need to do some Christmas shopping. I have sent some stuff to my dad’s already but there is still much to buy, wrap and pack.

It is so sunny here – I have been doing some last minute tasks in the garden. It feels good to be out in the sunshine.

I’ll be back again on Friday with more to report on the fitness front.

Tuesday Tidbits

Here’s what is running around in my head today 


Having trouble believing that there is less than a month until Christmas and only 34 days until my birthday.

Trying to decide if I want to celebrate my birthday and if so, how??

Enjoying the flowers on my pea plants – don’t think I’m going to get peas but the flowers are nice.

Wanting to get the cookies I’m baking for the church fundraiser out of my house before I eat them.

Wondering if I will be able to keep exercising without a trainer.

Wishing the part for my washer would come so I don’t have to fiddle with the switch every time I want to do a load of clothes.

Trying to come up with a plan for next month and next year.

Smelling the pot roast in the crockpot and getting hungry.

Needing to get away from the computer and get some work done – see you Friday.