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Posts tagged ‘Wii sports’

To Do/Ta Da Thursday

Here is my list from last week and my results –

1.  Declutter at least one item – several baseball hats to the goodwill/VV box

2.  Exercise for 15 minutes – did not do this although I did go snow tubing for 2 hours on Saturday and played some Wii sports with DS for about 30 minutes

3.  Be in bed by 10 pm – 7/7 nights

Feel pretty good about what I did get done.  Will try once again the same three and try to get them all checked off.

Have you been making a list and crossing things off? Let me know so I can cheer you on.

Be back tomorrow with the Fitness Friday report.

Tuesday Tidbits

Just another random stream of thoughts …

I have updated the  declutter page. I do not think I will reach my goal of 100 before the end of the year. However, as a family we have decluttered quite a bit. DD has gotten rid of a ton of trash, some clothing, books and art supplies. DS had some clothing and toys removed from his room much to his dismay. Even Dh got into the act and got rid of a few things. We gave away 3 bicycles that had been outgrown – one to a neighbor hood child and 2 to the bike repair store  for their Christmas giveaway.

Personal training is over and I am already slipping! Haven’t done any weight training and have been munching cookies. Did do some Wii sports with the family. Hubby wants to do something just the two of us. He suggested tennis or golf and I countered with swimming. Now I need to go get the membership.

Need to get Christmas presents and have them sent to my dad’s house. I hate shopping  – wish I could farm it out to someone else to do.

Have some ideas for next year but need to flesh them out a bit before I share them here.

See you Friday with the fitness update.