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Posts tagged ‘fabric’

Thursday Tidbits – The Job Search

Just another unedited, sloppy edition of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today…

So I’ve been thinking about my “dream job” ever since I wrote about it awhile ago and lo and behold up pops a job that at first glance seemed to be the one. It was for a part time position at a fabric shop – doing a little bit of a lot of things – shop maintenance, sales, helping with design projects and social media efforts. They asked you to email a resume or just stop in, drop it off and chat. I decided to just drop in and chat since I do not have a resume. Unfortunately the person I needed to talk to was not in the shop at the time. I left my contact info and planned to write up a resume and send it in.

The aspects that make it my “dream job” were that it would be part time, it is working with fabric, it is within walking distance, the hours would be pretty good, I would get to learn more about fabric and perhaps have time to work on my projects or at last be more motivated to work on them.

Then my doubts started cropping up – I haven’t worked in years so I have no work history, I love fabric but I’m not really good at designing/matching patterns or colors, I’m too introverted to sell, I don’t know anything about social media and on and on.  I tried putting together a resume but all the doubts kept creeping in and I ended up not creating anything.

Then I was going through old journals and found an entry where I had written down a description of another “dream job”. This was around having a few clients whose gardens I took care of. This would allow me to spend time outside, work with plants, have minimal interaction with others and allow me to create my own schedule. A few days after that another job posting came up. This one is for a part time horticulturist working in malls and office buildings taking care of plant installations.

I didn’t need a resume – you just had to fill out an application online. So before I had time to second guess myself I filled out the application and sent it in. I got a call and scheduled an interview. The interview went okay – I made a few mistakes but overall I think it went okay. They will be finishing up interviews this week and will let everyone know by the end of next week. So now it’s just wait and see what they have to say.

So that’s what has been happening here lately. I’ll be back tomorrow with a progress report for the 100 day challenge – hope to see a report from you as well. Until then, wherever and whatever you are doing, have a great day!


November News

For the month of November I am continuing my 31 day challenge to complete some of the things that need done around here.  I will update my progress on MUMday – my day where  I try to update my progress towards my goals.  I’ve thought about things and have come up with the following list:

1. Pack up all the yard sale stuff and have it picked up by a charity

2. Sort, organize and store my fabric

3. Go through the year to date tax receipts and get them organized

4. Create a master list of to dos – I have tons of little slips of paper(like I had with my books) with ideas of sewing/quilting/knitting/crafting ideas, recipes to try, household projects to be done, dream trip information, etc all over my house. I want to try and get them all together in one spot. First I’m going to gather them all together and then I need to decide how/where to keep them all. Here’s where I need your help – what system do you use to keep track of things? Anyone have any suggestions for me? I’d love to hear what has worked or hasn’t worked for you.


31 days toward completion – day 24

Yesterday was a  busy day of errands and I just didn’t manage to get anything on the list done. What I did do was add to the list! I ended up getting some more fabric(which will need to be sorted and stored) and buying some more books(which will need to be added to the list once I finish reading them). One thing I’ve discovered is that I should not go shopping or to the library.

I need to create some boundaries if I want to accomplish some of these things.  I definitely have enough fabric for several years of projects and I don’t need to buy stuff just because I like the way it looks. I need to commit to starting and finishing some projects to use up what I have before getting any more fabric. Likewise, I have enough books at home that I do not need to visit bookstores or browse at the library. It should be easy to avoid bookstores after I do my Christmas shopping – no, that is not true. It is never easy for me to avoid bookstores, I’ll need to make a commitment to avoid them. I don’t want to avoid the library because I think it is important for the kids to read but I can avoid browsing. I can take something along to read or browse the magazines while they make their selections.

If I want to stop feeling overwhelmed by  what I have on my plate, I need to limit what I bring into this house and start actively working to make a dent in what is already here. As I’ve said before and will continue to tell myself – baby steps/ one bite at a time is the way to go. Towards that end, today I added some more books to the wish list. I am hopeful that I will be able to finish that this month.

31 days toward completion – day 17

I didn’t do anything pertaining to my 31 day goals today. It was rainy which meant there was not going to be anything done in the garden. I could have worked on my lists or sorted fabric or boxed up stuff but I didn’t. Instead I enjoyed watching some Criminal Mind episodes – great show! I also did manage to finish a book so I can add one more book to my 1500 book challenge list.

Tomorrow is parent teacher conference day for my son. I will try to get something done around those commitments.