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Posts tagged ‘Half Price Books’

100 Day Challenge Update 4

Goal 4 – Read at least 15 books with at least 5 of them coming from my To Be Read lists Progress – 4 read with 2 of them coming from my to be read lists

Over the years I have collected books from library sales and trips to the Half Price Bookstore. Then they sat on my shelves until last year when I decided that it was time to get rid of stuff. I went through my shelves and got rid of a lot of them. Some because the subject was no longer relevant and others because I couldn’t figure out why I had even bought them. Now I’m down to around 50-75 on my shelves. They are part of my to be read list.

The other part – and it is the larger part- is all the book titles I’ve come across through blogs and podcasts. I would really like to cross some of them off this year. I made a start by going through the list to see what books I can get through the library. I also discovered some titles that I removed for the same reasons as above.

Do you have a to be read list? How do you find time for reading? What types of books do you read? I’d love to hear from you – please leave a comment




31 days toward completion – day 24

Yesterday was a  busy day of errands and I just didn’t manage to get anything on the list done. What I did do was add to the list! I ended up getting some more fabric(which will need to be sorted and stored) and buying some more books(which will need to be added to the list once I finish reading them). One thing I’ve discovered is that I should not go shopping or to the library.

I need to create some boundaries if I want to accomplish some of these things.  I definitely have enough fabric for several years of projects and I don’t need to buy stuff just because I like the way it looks. I need to commit to starting and finishing some projects to use up what I have before getting any more fabric. Likewise, I have enough books at home that I do not need to visit bookstores or browse at the library. It should be easy to avoid bookstores after I do my Christmas shopping – no, that is not true. It is never easy for me to avoid bookstores, I’ll need to make a commitment to avoid them. I don’t want to avoid the library because I think it is important for the kids to read but I can avoid browsing. I can take something along to read or browse the magazines while they make their selections.

If I want to stop feeling overwhelmed by  what I have on my plate, I need to limit what I bring into this house and start actively working to make a dent in what is already here. As I’ve said before and will continue to tell myself – baby steps/ one bite at a time is the way to go. Towards that end, today I added some more books to the wish list. I am hopeful that I will be able to finish that this month.

31 days toward completion – day 10

I found the missing shelves and was able to fill them up with books. I still have some books left so it looks like I may need to look around the house to find some more shelving options. There are almost 300 books that I have got from either library bag sales or Half Price Books stores that I need to read and then add to my 1500 Book Challenge list. I need to spend less time chasing rabbit trails on the computer and more time reading these books so I can meet my goal.

Another thing to do is fix the clock on my computer so my posts actually post on the correct days. Or get my dd to fix it for me. A task for another day. For now it is time to get off the computer and prepare for tomorrow.