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Posts tagged ‘schedule’

Tuesday Tidbits

Another installment of the random thoughts rolling around my head…

I had a lovely weekend away at retreat. I always enjoy my stay there. For one thing, it is lovely not to have to think about what to make for a meal, make the meal, eat it and then clean it up. Another wonderful thing is the 10 minute massage I get which loosens up me up and feels great. Add in some lovely music from some birds and crisp air during a hike around the camp – lovely to see all the ferns, wildflowers and signs of spring popping out. Last but not least good conversations and an almost unlimited supply of chocolate.

I was able to read a few books and catch up on some e-books I had downloaded(last year!). Nice to finally get those taken care of.

I’m really ready for spring – it snowed a bit on Friday and we may be getting some tonight as well. I’m itching to get out and clean up the garden and start planting. I received some geraniums in the mail today and I have seeds for my cool season veggies to put in the garden.

I need to get back to the pool – I haven’t been there yet this month which means I’m way behind schedule. I will definitely need to do better next month. I should go before then but I don’t think I’ll make it. I’m shopping for the food to prepare for our church’s Lenten dinner tomorrow, I have 2 lunch dates with friends(one a very belated birthday celebration), I’m helping my son make dessert for his Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet and I need to get supplies for the girl to make desserts for the youth group progressive dinner this weekend. Not much time to fit in swimming.

I definitely need to come up with a schedule so I can at least try to get things done. I’m great at making them but not very good at following them. But you never know, this time around could be the time it sticks.  Do you have a schedule, a routine or just fly by the seat of your pants?? I’m curious and would love to hear from you – don’t be shy – someone has to go first and it might as well be you. Please leave a comment.  Thanks