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Posts tagged ‘snow days’

Tuesday Tidbits

Another installment of the random thoughts rolling around in my head…

This feels like a repeat of last week – another snow day and I’m really off my game. Yesterday was so promising – worked in the loft, did some cleaning and got my routines done but today was not good at all.

The boy is driving me crazy – too much energy and nothing I suggest is any fun. The morning was filled with lots of yelling and tears-luckily that was him not me – I actually managed to keep my cool for a change. Since then he has mopped my floors with couch cushions, bounced off every wall and annoyed his sister almost hourly.

The girl just told me that she turned down an offer from a friend to ” have sex and get the whole virgin thing over and done with” – ugh, not a conversation I wanted to have today or quite frankly any day. She wanted to know how I dealt with this when I was in high school and I had to tell her that it wasn’t very common back in the dark ages when I was in high school. It seems several of her crowd have lost their virginity this year and the rest are wondering what to do about it.

Finally got up the gumption to go swimming only to discover that the pool is closed due to a filter problem. Definitely will need to make up some laps next month. I need to get on a regular schedule and just go when I say I will. I could make a date with the hubby to go but I like being on my own and just enjoying myself in the water. I don’t really want to share that time with anyone.

Tuesday Tidbits

Here are some of the random thoughts rolling around in my head today….

It is a good thing I don’t live any farther North because I can’t take these below freezing days. I love snow but this is just too cold to be out in.

With the snow days, vacation days, teacher in-service days and two hour delays, my kids have been home and stuck inside way too much this month.

I won’t be meeting my step or my swim goals but I’ve done a lot of reading so the book goal is coming along.

Doctor’s appointment tomorrow – I’ve fallen off the paleo wagon and definitely need to clean up my diet. Not sure what she is going to say. I’ll get the results of my hair analysis and will see if I need to make more changes.

I’ve updated my books read list and will try to stay on top of that this year.

Getting tired, I’ll close for now.