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Posts tagged ‘donation’

100 Day Challenge Progress Report – v 8

This week I got the boy involved in the project. Hopefully I can get him to go through stuff and simplify his stuff. He(like me) has a lot of stuff that never gets touched and could be used or enjoyed by others. He has a lot of pokemon cards that he is willing to let go of. Debating about packaging them to try and sell them so I’m not counting those in yet.

Here’s this week’s total and breakdown – seven items decluttered

trash – small bag of fabric scraps -this was a grab bag I bought at a quilt store. I took out the ones I might use and I’m tossing the rest

donation – hulk costume and a pair of boy’s dress pants -too small to be worn again

two nerf guns

a pair of ladies dress shoes –  I wore them to church this week and I  was really uncomfortable – not sure if it was due to the heel height because I haven’t worn heels in ages or if my feet have grown

and a book.

That’s it for this week. How are you doing with your challenge? Let me know in the comments.

100 Day Challenge Progress Report – v 7

Well I made some progress this week and I’m slowly getting back into the swing of decluttering.

I put 2 things in the donation pile – a pair of corduroy pants that are too short and too tight for me and a skirt that I no longer fit into.

I threw away 3 annual reports and an old church directory.

I gave a shirt and a pair of ear muffs to a friend.

That brings this week’s total to 8 items. Getting closer and closer to my goal.

How are things going with your challenge? Leave a comment and let me know what you are working on.

100 Day Challenge Progress Report – v 6

Another week with little progress made. It’s a good thing I started out strong because I’m slowing down here lately.

I finally convinced my son to send an old, raggedy costume to the trash.

I put 3 sets of plastic vampire teeth in the donation bag which just about fills the bag. I need to make a call so that the bag can finally get out of the house. Actually I have two bags that have been sitting around for several months that I need to get out of the house.

That makes 4 items for this week and a total of 79 for the challenge. If I can do an item a day, I’ll make my goal. Time to go look at some more stuff and see what I can let go of.

How are you doing with your challenge? Let me know in the comments below.