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Tidbit Tuesday

Just another unedited/sloppy installment of the thoughts rolling around in my head today…

Another beautiful sunshiny day. The weekend was unseasonable warm and I was able to get out and clean up some areas of the garden. I finally decided to dig up the blueberry bushes. They have not done well for years and I’m going to look for new ones this year. I pruned some dead stuff from various bushes and got rid of some trash that was in the yard.

We are having a group of people from church over next month and that has lit a fire under the hubby to get some things taken care of. Two paintings have been hung, various boxes of tools and other stuff have been sorted/trashed/stored  and space is being reclaimed. There is lots remaining to do but things are looking up.

It’s time for the business tax work to be done – well, really it is past time(as usual). I need to finish gathering up the paperwork and get it to the accountant. Every year I say I’m going to do a better job and every year I’m scrambling to get it together. I’m so very lucky to have a great and understanding accountant.

I’m going to close for now because I’ve got to get out and pick up supplies for this week’s Lenten dinner at church. Our group is hosting a salad bar and I’m the shopper.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you are.

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