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I’ve been through a decade of difficulties and it is time to make some lasting changes. Time to focus less on problems and more on solutions. Time to focus less on planning and more on doing. Time to focus less on what other people need or want and more on what I need and want.

To that end I’ve chosen my word for the year – PHOENIX.  I want to let my old ideas, habits, and life die and from the ashes let a new me be born. I want to work on changing my negative self talk scripts, focus more on positive things and move towards new habits.

I’ll be starting my first 100 day challenge of the year next Monday, January 27th.  I have five goals for this challenge

  1.  Remove 100 items
  2.  Stay within my budget
  3.  Read 15 books
  4.  10 minutes of exercise 6/week
  5. 1 hour/week working on my hobbies

I’ll be back soon to flesh out these goals.

Did you pick a word for this year? Please share in the comments

Comments on: "Phoenix" (2)

  1. Phoenix! A great word choice. It conjures up hope and renewal.
    Good luck and I’ll be following and cheering you on.

  2. thanks, I’m full of hope that this will be my year. I’m going to work harder at posting consistently.

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